Chronicles of a Corporate Intern

Wednesday, May 28, 2008

The Birthday

Not to say that Monday wasn't interesting.

I give Monday interesting.

After an already fairly eventful day I got a call from my friend Gary, complaining that no one would go out with him, it was his 21st birthday, and he wanted to take me out to dinner. Who am I to turn down free food given the entertainment of Gary's presence and this particular boy's taste in food?

Having finished my Starbucks chat with Erin (a relationship that is far too complicated for me to go into right now) I headed back up to Seattle to pick up Gary and make our 9:00 reservations. We ended up at Cutters, a nicer place, especially when living on the income of a college kid. We got a table by the window with a beautiful view of Elliot Bay, and Gary ended up ordering a bottle of wine; Mont Redon Châteauneuf-du-Pape; a french Shiraz; an $80 bottle. He drank the whole thing over dinner.

Having conquered our volcano cake (on the house for his birthday), we decided the next step was to go bowling. Walking back to the Jeep I began to realize Gary had drank the entire bottle of wine, and while not particularly prevelant, it wasn't completely ignorable either.

We ended up at the Garage on Broadway. Ah, but alas, there's no 21 and over allowed in after 10:00. My status as a minor strikes again. But wait, it wasn't time to head home yet, because let us not forget: Gary drank the entire bottle of wine. And it was ready to come out.

Now, regardless of whether or not your from Seattle, imagine how gorram hard it's going to be to find a bathroom on Broadway at 11 at night. Yeah, that hard. A Shell Station, a Blockbuster, a homeless guy, a random run-in with a friend, and a QFC later a very nice security guard pointed us to Subway, where we ordered two Vitamin waters and the bathroom key. And then I got the entertainment of watching Gary try to use the key. Yeah, that was funny.

Then I finally convinced him it was time to go home. I had work the next day and he was drunk and I wanted to get back to talk to Dan before he had to go to bed (Damn OSU and their 7:30 classes! What foolery!). I drove down Broadway and told him he needed to give me directions, 'cause I didn't know where I was going. He told me to turn right, and then left, past the corner of 20th and Aloha, "we're near Isaac's... Okay...", and somehow he got me to the U District. NOT near Ballard at all.

As we drove up past the Arboreteum I turned to him, asking "How the hell did we end up here? I have like 3 friends that live up here, I know exactly where I am, how is this on the way to your house?"

"I'm taking you on kind of a roundabout way."

"How do we get there from here?"

"I dunno, maybe go straight?"

Yeah... I was impressed. I hopped on 520 and took him back my way.

Some days I wonder what any of us is thinking when we do the things we do.

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